

Sunday, September 12, 2010

2NE1 songs r nice !!!!

2NE1 has released their new album ` To Anyone ' . Some other nice songs are can't nobody , clap your hands and go away be sure to check them out ^^ and support them !

Friday, September 10, 2010

Yea 2NE1 new song is Out !

After a Long Awaiting Time , 2NE1 release their new song Go Away ! It is a very nice with I dun noe feel in it . Haha . Check out the MV below :

Monday, September 6, 2010

Yes and It's KPop

A lot of Kpop stuff is happening now and there . There is the K-pop concert which is costing a bomb and the seats are almost out so , I am pass for now . There may also be fan meetings coming up in the future so hopefully can attend some of them . That's It for now =D

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Dun drift away from me ! ~

I feel that kpop is drifting away from me . Dun noe wad happen , bt watever i am still listenin to kpop . Cos It rox !!!!!!!!! LOLOL